New Ridge Technologies has re-conceived the Optical Spectrum Analyzer and its control with the highly functional, robust, portable and exceedingly affordable NRT-8000 compact OSA and this smartphone and tablet Controller App.
The NRT-8000 controller app can collect C-band optical spectra at 5 different standard OSA resolutions or new constant resolution bandwidths. Calculate peak power and channel power and wavelength, OSNR and other DWDM parameters. There is even an ITU channel checker function. This app can access multiple NRT-8000s via the LAN or portal. Your data can then be saved in various common formats, shared with colleagues or sent to your computer for further analysis.
This app introduces new dimensions to fiber optic test and measurement capabilities by enabling an Android smart device to control, host and even serve the NRT-8000 OSA to other devices. Specifically, this app has 3 measurement modes:
1) Local control 'host' via an Bluetooth connection,
2) Local control 'host' via an USB OTG connection,
3) Remote Control ‘client' via Internet of Test and Measurement (IoT&M) Portal
Setting up the Portal
1) Open the downloaded app (or click on the NRT-logo in the upper right) to show the Welcome pane.
2) Click the Settings tab.
3) Click the Portal tab. And then click the “Add a new portal” button.
4) Enter:
a) Host as,
b) Port as 10001,
c) Enter User name (e.g. demo),
d) Enter Password (e.g. demodemo), then
5) Click the Save button.
6) You will see the portal has been added. And you are connected as 'demo'.
7) Click outside of the pane to close the drop down setup window.
8) Again click on the NRT-logo in the upper right to show the Welcome pane.
9) Pick an available NRT-8000 device and click Connect. (We recommend COM9 on WINDOWS-N299N64 for the demo.) This will connect your smartphone or tablet as a remote client to an operating NRT-8000 located in our offices in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. You have access to all features in this demo mode.
10) Start to use the device.
For more information see: